The Vinska Klet Filipcic wine cellar proposal involves the restoration of an old pigsty in Branik, Slovenia, to become a space for the production and tourism of wine. The intervention seeks to preserve the appearance of the original building – merely repainting it in white to give it a new twist – and play with the existing roof, formed by a beautiful system of wooden trusses and battens. Thus, the proposal is to partially lift the roof and project it towards the exterior to create an open tripartite space – office, area for exclusive clients and the tasting room – just like binoculars – or trinoculars – that look upon the vineyard and the northern landscape. These three gestures do not interfere with each other; each one acquires independence and appropriates of a scrap of landscape.
Moreover, this operation defines a porch on the ground floor, which allows, on one hand, to create a terrace for the wine tourism space, and on the other create a shelter during the harvest period for the entry and processing of the grapes.
Inside, the nave is divided into three areas: the vinification space, the ageing space – now a well-protected double space in the centre of the building with a larger storage volume, thanks to the partial lifting of the roof – and the wine tourism space, in the southwest corner, with good accessibility and view from the street.